Thursday, January 6, 2011

Candy Commotion!

My interest in candy buffets began when I started planning my wedding set for July of 2010.  Everything was coming together.  I chose what some would consider a "wacky" combination of purple and orange for my colors and handpicked the rolling hills of a golf club for my venue.  I felt, after the guest list had been made and invitations sent out,  that I had almost everything in place.  There was something missing though, it was FUN!  I am the type of person who rarely does anything halfheartedly, and having a WOW factor at my wedding was important to me.

The great thing about this wedding planning adventure was that I had my mom helping me.  She  coordinated, planned, and worked out details that had never occurred to me before!  A lengthy discussion ensued, and she agreed to help find the unique edge I wanted at my wedding.
After countless, "Google" searches, (which by the end I had my little brother saying "Just Google it" to any question asked of him), I saw a picture of a candy buffet.  I was so excited and immediately knew that was the WOW factor I wanted at my wedding!

My mom and I looked for sales, vases, and any tips or ideas that could help us create the elusive candy buffet.  Something I thought would be so much fun to plan, became hard work over the four months preceding my wedding.  I had two criteria for my candy buffet; I wanted it to match the colors I had chosen for my wedding and I wanted it to represent my husband Luke and my childhood.  So we chose two candies that we loved; Reeses peanut butter cups and Kit Kat bars.  We had lots of other candy, including rock candy, jelly beans, licorice, etc.,  but it was those Kit Kat bars and Reeses that hit home for us!

The candy buffet, for us, was a fun "extra" to add a little more excitement to our wedding.  It was our version of a guest favor; some candy to be eaten at the wedding and some for the road!  Overall it was a big success and guests loved it.  It was called "unique, cool, fun" and most said they had "never seen these candy buffets before".

Since the wedding, I have researched candy buffets more to find out what all this commotion was about and realized that they can be for any event!  Aside from weddings; birthdays, bar-mitsvahs, bridal showers, baby showers, and yes even retirement parties are becoming popular events to showcase a candy buffet!  In fact, just a week ago, an acquaintance of mine mentioned that her friends 15 year old daughter requested a candy buffet for her 16th birthday party and had no clue how to start planning for it.  When I told her I was in the candy buffet business, she was ecstatic and wanted to know more!

Candy buffets for event's like 16th birthdays, weddings, and more are what this blog is about.  It is designed to give tips, helpful suggestions, as well as allow more of an insight into the art of candy buffet design and its growing popularity in the U.S.! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this sort of journey together on my Sweet Buffet blog!

-Dani G.

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