Monday, May 9, 2011

Luau Style Candy Buffets

Good morning and happy Monday to all you candy lovers out there!  This last week has been amazing, being on vacation in Florida, playing in the sand and water, and of course eating lots of food.  Back from vacation now, I am inspired by Luau themed events- particularly Luau themed candy buffets!

To create a Luau themed candy buffet requires a creative mind and lots of bright colors.
Luau themed candy buffets can be bright, colorful, fun and informal or they can be slightly subdued with a more formal touch to it.  

The colorful, bright, informal candy buffet can definitely brighten up a room and can add a Wow factor to any event.  This bright theme typically is displayed at informal weddings, birthday parties, and social functions. To create this theme at home or have your local candy buffet maker do it for you, just think bright, colorful, and island fun.  Tiki torches, mini flip-flops, palm branches, and exotic looking fabrics and ribbons would work well for this theme.

The other way to go with this theme is a more formal approach. This can be a wow factor in it's elegance and high-end exotic look.  Use things like real orchids or other exotic flowers surrounding the display.  Having real fruit and real palm branches will help this display as well.  Use some sea shells round the display, but not too many.  You want this display to look full but not overcrowded.

There is a variety of candy that can be used for both of these displays, it is up to you to choose which ones.  My personal recommendations would be candy fruit slices, starbursts, tropical jelly beans, different colored gumballs, mike and ike's, and pixi stixs.  There are so many more to choose from, think tropical and fun!  Enjoy

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